I haven't wrote a wrap up in so long and I wanted to do it now because I had my spring break, and I messed up my sleeping scheudle completly and writing on this blog always helps me clear my mind. I'm gonna get right into it.
The first book I read this month was "Liar and Spy" by Rebecca Stead. 5 years ago I read "when you will reach me" and absolutely loved it, and since then, year by year, I've been searching for her other works, and now I did find one. I can't say I actually loved this. I think that if I would have read this 5 years ago, I would have loved it even more. However it was still mindblowing for me and somehow I find it to be a bit too hard for kids, because the main character may or may not be in depression.(it is not specified but I do think he is in a kind of a depression)
The next book I read was "13 reasons why" by Jay Asher, and I hardly stoped myself from rereading it for the 3rd time. If you don't know, I did read this book in 2012 when it was transleted in Romania.

5/5 stars
Last book that I read this mounth was "Caraval" by Stephanie Garber and it left me with no words. Basically, as the story progressed I had in mind the quote that is also on the cover, more spesificly "Remember! It is just a game". Later on the book I was loke "OMG! It's gettimg so dark, I don't think this is a game anymore" and at the end of the story I was like "I can't believe this was actually just a game".
Also, at a point in the book I had to literally put the book down and go cry in the bathroom. I think I spent an hour before I got togheter and went back to reading. So yeaaahhhhh....This book was AMAZING 💛
I'm slowly getting out of a reading slump I didn't new I had it. And thiugh recently I haven't read that many books, I read some pretty good ones, so I'm not sad about that.
I hope you all have a wonderful day...and I'll see you soon.
P.S.: I have at least two more posts for you, so keep an eye out for that ;)
P.P.S. I also put amazon links to all this books wich is funny cuz' I never buy from amazon. (Because it does not ship to Romania) but I was too lazy to explain what the books were about.