What's up??? For me, nothing much, I'm just procrastinating because I have way to much to study for history.

To go to Bucharest, from where I live, is a 2 h 30 min drive or so. Not big of a deal, it's a small price to pay for an international YA author.
So this is what I did, I woke up at 6:30 in a school day aka Friday got ready and jumped in the car with my parents because I'm 16 and I can't drive.
I got in Bucharest at 10:20 and I had 10 minutes to spend in the beautiful library, my parents left me so I was alone, and I got lost but find my way pretty fast.

Before I'll say anything else I want to take a moment and say how amazing the author and the director of the publisher were, and pretty much every other person I came in contact that day, and really, that was a side of Bucharest that I never seen before.
Ruta actually was kind enough to sign me 2 books, only because first time I put her to sign the book, it wasn't my copy, it was a copy of the book I received for free from the publisher, so a bit later I asked her if she can sign my copy as well, and she did.

At 18:00 I went in the store and I attended the book talk (kind of a book talk). After the signing I meet this amazing humans, one of them has a blog and the other one has a youtube channel. They are such amazing persoonnnsss!
Before I left I went and talked to Anca (the director of the publisher) to see if there is anything else to do, but there wasn't, and she asked me at which high school I study and things like that. I told her that I'm from Brasov and she was so surprised that I came all this way just for this publisher and she also told Ruta, and she was also impressed, and I just had an amazing day. If you know me, you know that I'm like "shit....someone is talking to me...what do I say now???". But they were so nice and they gave me such a good feeling.
And don't be thinking I'm saying this just because they might be reading this. I don't even think they know that I have a blog. It is just what I felt. :D
This is it. All in all was an amazing trip, and I am so glad that I went there. Definitely an experience that I'll want to do again in the future.
Thank you if you read all the way until here. I'll make sure to have a bit more photos than usual.
Hope you have a great start of week.
Luv yeah,
Diana V.