Hello Everybody!
Today, I will show you the books I've read in December. And because it was the winter break, I had enough time to read quite a lot of books. And I'm gonna get started.
The first book I've read was "An Abundance of Katherines" by John Green, and usually, I do love John Green's books, but this one, was not my favourite.
Then I reread "Harry Potter and the philosopher stone" by J.K. Rowling, because, let's face it, it is amazing, and it is the perfect season for reading it.
Next, I have "Aristotel and Dante discovers the secrets of the Univers" by B.A, Saenz and it wasn't how I expected to be... I expected to be more similar to "An abundance of Katherines", but it wasn't... and I don't know if that is a good thing, or not. I don't know what to think about this book. It was good, I liked it...but, again, not what I expected.
Then I read "Quiditch through the ages" by J.K.Rowling and to be honest, I liked the other ones a little bit more. This was quite boring but it was okay.
Then I read "Coraline" by Neil Gaiman and I don't know how but I loved that book. It was short, around 147 pages, and I've read it in about a day. I quite liked it and I did not expected that.
Lastly, I've read "Anna and the french kiss" by Stephanie Perkins, and I think I am in love again. It was such a beautiful read, and this one, I've read it as well in a day, so I think you can already tell how much I like that.
I've also started "Lola and the boy next door" by the same author, and I quite enjoy it so far.
This is it, I've read exactly 6 books, wich is a lot for me.
Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and I will like to hear more from you in the comments.
Hope you all have great holidays.
XOXO, <3
luni, 28 decembrie 2015
sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2015
Book Haul: December 2015
Hello everyone!
Today I am back with another post. This time I will make a book haul, because this mounth was Christmas (obviously) and I recived quite a lot of books !
So I am going to put it in two categories. Category 1, are the books I bought in 6th of december, actually they are presents, so they werent bought by me. And the 2nd category, will be the ones I bought on 24th of December.
So let's get in to it:
Category 1:
The first book I have here is "The sky is everywhere" by Jandy Nelson. I do not know a lot about this book, but I can already tell you that this one is the one I want to read next.
The next book is "Lola and the boy next door" by Stephanie Perkins. And we all know it's a part of a trilogy (along with Anna and Isla.). And I do not know a lot about this either, but I do like to get into books that I have no idea what they are about.
Next, I have "Cherry Crush" by Cathy Casidy, I did not heard a lot of things about this. It is a trilogy as well. It is about this girl, called Cherry, who moves to a new city and her family gets bigger. And she and her father, are going to make a chocolate business. It really sounds interesting, and it is pretty short.
Then I have "After" by Anna Todd. First, this book was a fanfiction, about Harry Styles, but it was so popular, that it became a book. And second, it is about college and Tessa's life which changed when she met Hardin.
Next I have My true love gave to me, by a lot of authors, which is a collection of 12 stories happening around Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.
Category 2:
The first book I see is "Attachments" by Rainbow Rowell, and I think you can already see the happines on my face when I said Rainbow Rowell. And it is about two work colleagues, who are e-mailing back and foth. And it is also about Lincoln, a shy IT guy, responsible for monitoring e-mails, who spends his hours reading every exchange. And he will end up falling for one of them. I can't wait to start it.
Then I have "Anna and the french kiss" the first book from the trilogy of Stephenie Perkins.
And I also have "Isla and the happily ever after" by the same author.
And the last book I have, is "The Beginning of everything" by Robyn Schneider. I do not remeber to have heard about this book, but I think is nice. It follows the story of Ezra Faulkner who was supposed to be the prom king, before, haveing a car crash, and falling in love with the new girl , Cassidy Thorpe.
And this is my book haul, it consist in 9 books and I can't believe I've got so many. Usualy I restrict myself to 4-5.
Hope you have a nice day/week/mounth/Christmas, and I also hope you enjoyed this post.
Today I am back with another post. This time I will make a book haul, because this mounth was Christmas (obviously) and I recived quite a lot of books !
So I am going to put it in two categories. Category 1, are the books I bought in 6th of december, actually they are presents, so they werent bought by me. And the 2nd category, will be the ones I bought on 24th of December.
So let's get in to it:
Category 1:
The first book I have here is "The sky is everywhere" by Jandy Nelson. I do not know a lot about this book, but I can already tell you that this one is the one I want to read next.
The next book is "Lola and the boy next door" by Stephanie Perkins. And we all know it's a part of a trilogy (along with Anna and Isla.). And I do not know a lot about this either, but I do like to get into books that I have no idea what they are about.

Then I have "After" by Anna Todd. First, this book was a fanfiction, about Harry Styles, but it was so popular, that it became a book. And second, it is about college and Tessa's life which changed when she met Hardin.
Next I have My true love gave to me, by a lot of authors, which is a collection of 12 stories happening around Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.
Category 2:
The first book I see is "Attachments" by Rainbow Rowell, and I think you can already see the happines on my face when I said Rainbow Rowell. And it is about two work colleagues, who are e-mailing back and foth. And it is also about Lincoln, a shy IT guy, responsible for monitoring e-mails, who spends his hours reading every exchange. And he will end up falling for one of them. I can't wait to start it.
Then I have "Anna and the french kiss" the first book from the trilogy of Stephenie Perkins.
And I also have "Isla and the happily ever after" by the same author.
And the last book I have, is "The Beginning of everything" by Robyn Schneider. I do not remeber to have heard about this book, but I think is nice. It follows the story of Ezra Faulkner who was supposed to be the prom king, before, haveing a car crash, and falling in love with the new girl , Cassidy Thorpe.
And this is my book haul, it consist in 9 books and I can't believe I've got so many. Usualy I restrict myself to 4-5.
Hope you have a nice day/week/mounth/Christmas, and I also hope you enjoyed this post.
joi, 24 decembrie 2015
Christmas Song Book Tag
Merry Christmas everybody!
I'm so sorry I haven't post anything, and I don't have a good excuse for that becaue I'm in my winter break. So I think you need my apologies, and for that, I have a special post today.
It is a book tag, and I never made one before, so I'm quite nervous. I was not taged by anybody, but I thought I'm gonna make it anyway.
So let's get started:
1."You're a Mean One Mr. Grinch": Name a villainous character you couldn't help but love.
And I think it is pretty obvious who I'm gonna say. For me the answer is Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter.
2."All I want for Christmas is You": Which book to you most hope to see under the Christmas tree?
"The Queen of the Tearling" by Erika Johansen, because it is going to be a movie, so I want to read the book first.
3."Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer":Name a Character that overcomes major obstacles and learns to believe in themselves:
I think I'll go with Charlie from "The Perks of being a wallflower", because at first he is very shy, but until the end of the book, he will have some good friends and he will try to make some more (friends).
4."Santa Claus is Coming to town":a) Which character do you think would be on top of the naughty list?
b) Which character do you think would be at the top of the nice list?
Just to be a little bit more fun I'm gonna go with two characters from the "The Book Thief" because besides the diferences, they were so nice togheter and they are: a)Rudy Steiner
b)Liesel Meminger
5."Frosty the Snowman":Which book just melts your heart?
"Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell (No need for explanations)
6."Feliz Navidad": Choose a book that takes place in a country other than yours.
That would be easy, because I do not read books from my country, because they are not the most interesting ones. And for this one I will go with "Girl Online" by Zoe Sugg, I don't know, it is a random book, it is happening around Christmas time in New York, and I thought it is pretty nice.
7."It's the most wonderful time of the Year": Which holiday themed book do you use to spread the Christmas joy?
I think I will choose "My true love gave to me", by a bunch of authors. Even though it is beautiful, I am reading it pretty slow, because of the too many reading slumps, because all that stories are beautiful.
8."Sleigh Ride": Which fictional character would you choose to spend the holidays with (Dosen't have to be a love interest)?
I can't choose just one, and I think you are already anticipaiting what I am going to say. And that is the Weasley family, obviously.
9."Baby it's cold Outside": Which book that you didn't like would you sacrifice to a fire to warm yourself up in the cold?
I think I'll say "An abundence of Katherines" by John Green. Don't get me wrong, I do love John Green's books, but this one was just "Meh".
10."Do you hear what I hear": Which book do you think everyone should read?
I think "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak, should be read by more people. I would say Harry Potter, but that one it is already read by everybody. :)
So this was the tag, hope you enjoyed, I tag all of you, and if you decide to make one, please let me know in the comment, because I would really like to read other peoples blogs.
Hope you all have a great Holiday and Merry Christmas again.
P.S,: I will make a December book Haul soon, so keep an eye on that.
I'm so sorry I haven't post anything, and I don't have a good excuse for that becaue I'm in my winter break. So I think you need my apologies, and for that, I have a special post today.
It is a book tag, and I never made one before, so I'm quite nervous. I was not taged by anybody, but I thought I'm gonna make it anyway.
So let's get started:
1."You're a Mean One Mr. Grinch": Name a villainous character you couldn't help but love.
And I think it is pretty obvious who I'm gonna say. For me the answer is Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter.
2."All I want for Christmas is You": Which book to you most hope to see under the Christmas tree?
"The Queen of the Tearling" by Erika Johansen, because it is going to be a movie, so I want to read the book first.
3."Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer":Name a Character that overcomes major obstacles and learns to believe in themselves:
I think I'll go with Charlie from "The Perks of being a wallflower", because at first he is very shy, but until the end of the book, he will have some good friends and he will try to make some more (friends).
4."Santa Claus is Coming to town":a) Which character do you think would be on top of the naughty list?
b) Which character do you think would be at the top of the nice list?
Just to be a little bit more fun I'm gonna go with two characters from the "The Book Thief" because besides the diferences, they were so nice togheter and they are: a)Rudy Steiner
b)Liesel Meminger
5."Frosty the Snowman":Which book just melts your heart?
"Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell (No need for explanations)
6."Feliz Navidad": Choose a book that takes place in a country other than yours.
That would be easy, because I do not read books from my country, because they are not the most interesting ones. And for this one I will go with "Girl Online" by Zoe Sugg, I don't know, it is a random book, it is happening around Christmas time in New York, and I thought it is pretty nice.
7."It's the most wonderful time of the Year": Which holiday themed book do you use to spread the Christmas joy?
I think I will choose "My true love gave to me", by a bunch of authors. Even though it is beautiful, I am reading it pretty slow, because of the too many reading slumps, because all that stories are beautiful.

I can't choose just one, and I think you are already anticipaiting what I am going to say. And that is the Weasley family, obviously.
9."Baby it's cold Outside": Which book that you didn't like would you sacrifice to a fire to warm yourself up in the cold?
I think I'll say "An abundence of Katherines" by John Green. Don't get me wrong, I do love John Green's books, but this one was just "Meh".
10."Do you hear what I hear": Which book do you think everyone should read?
I think "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak, should be read by more people. I would say Harry Potter, but that one it is already read by everybody. :)
So this was the tag, hope you enjoyed, I tag all of you, and if you decide to make one, please let me know in the comment, because I would really like to read other peoples blogs.
Hope you all have a great Holiday and Merry Christmas again.
P.S,: I will make a December book Haul soon, so keep an eye on that.
sâmbătă, 5 decembrie 2015
November Wrap Up 2015
Hello there!
I'm so sorry for the last post, I know it was really short, and guess what, guys. It is finals time. :(
Today I am going to show you the books I've read this mounth.
There are not much, more exactly 3. But at least they are so let's get started.
First book I've read this mounth was "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak, and I have a Book review for that, so I won't say too much about this just that this was a beautiful book and I loved it.
The second book i've read was, and I am verry proud for this, "FanGirl" by Rainbow Rowell. And there were so many times I wanted to buy this book but I always said something similar to: "I am gonna wait a little bit more, maybe am gonna take it for Christmas". But one day I was at a book festival and I saw it and the price was really good, can't remember now how much it was, but not really much, and I read it, and it was so sweet. It defenetly made me a little bit happier, after I've read "The Book Thief".
The last book I've read, was "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" and I loved it. I think it is my favourite book. And sorry guys, you will probably be like "How dare you?" but when the movie
begun, I was even more excited than I was at the Harry Potter movies. It was amazing. I was really happy through the entire book/movie (especially movie) and at the end, I was crying and I don't even know why. And I think you will be again like "How dare you?" but I liked the movie JUST a little bit more than the book. All in one, this book was the best book I ever read.
Also at the end of November I've started "An abundeance of Katherines" by John Green, which I've finished it just yesterday, so I shall not included here.
Anyway, in my opinion, this mounth was full of amazing books which made me cry, and laugh and be just happy.
Hope that all of you are happy right now, and if you're not, just remember that you're not alone.
XOXO, <3
I'm so sorry for the last post, I know it was really short, and guess what, guys. It is finals time. :(
Today I am going to show you the books I've read this mounth.
There are not much, more exactly 3. But at least they are so let's get started.
First book I've read this mounth was "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak, and I have a Book review for that, so I won't say too much about this just that this was a beautiful book and I loved it.

The last book I've read, was "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" and I loved it. I think it is my favourite book. And sorry guys, you will probably be like "How dare you?" but when the movie
begun, I was even more excited than I was at the Harry Potter movies. It was amazing. I was really happy through the entire book/movie (especially movie) and at the end, I was crying and I don't even know why. And I think you will be again like "How dare you?" but I liked the movie JUST a little bit more than the book. All in one, this book was the best book I ever read.
Also at the end of November I've started "An abundeance of Katherines" by John Green, which I've finished it just yesterday, so I shall not included here.
Anyway, in my opinion, this mounth was full of amazing books which made me cry, and laugh and be just happy.
Hope that all of you are happy right now, and if you're not, just remember that you're not alone.
XOXO, <3
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